About us

Our mission is simple: To allow you to use a rating platform that will enable you to make a rating/review that is honest and a true reflection of your experiences – hence our mantra is, “Honest Feedback”

As part of the community we work by the ethos of, “Serving your community”. This means we are community driven and focused so we want users to provide honest feedback which will help others. We aspire to become the most trusted rating/review site out there and will not charge users for our services.

The whole point of Lets-Rate is to give you a chance to give real feedback on your experience. In turn, this can be reciprocated to the business as honest feedback. We also offer businesses the right to reply as we truly believe that our ratings site will help to improve your communities and bridge the gap between the customer and the services. 

When you use Lets-Rate you become a valued RATER online. As a RATER you are helping to improve your community!

We will not in any way modify or delete your feedback for the benefit of a business to make them look good (Or bad). We are not paid by a business to make them more appealing to customers etc. This is an honest, non-commercial site that is here to make all our lives more transparent and give an easy platform to rate any business/service on the go!


Thank you for visiting our site.

We are a community based ratings and review site and our sole aim is to provide "Honest Feedback" to help all businesses where we live, especially during the time we are now recovering from a global pandemic.

We are now featured on the following site, please take a look at the link below;


Our Principles

The privacy of your personal information is important to us. We are committed to providing you with a positive experience on our site and any services you use that is safe, secure, and trustworthy.

  • We will be transparent with the information we collect
  • We want our users to understand what information is collected.
  • We will explain to our users the information that we collect from them and what we plan on doing with that information. Where we that gather information without your direct input, we will let our users know and provide them options in this regard.
  • We want to allow users to easily access and update their own data
  • Having accurate information about our users helps create a trustworthy customer experience.
  • Please see our Terms and Conditions.

Being accountable for user data and user privacy

Users trust us with their personal information and expect us to protect and use it appropriately.

  • We operate information privacy and information security programs that incorporate leading practices to manage personal data from collection through to destruction.
  • Be accountable to our privacy commitments
  • We take our commitment to privacy incredibly seriously and hold ourselves to the highest standard.

Give users meaningful choices in privacy

We understand that control over personal information is important.

Our Terms and Conditions are clear about what information you share with us and how it is used and to provide visibility into those choices and how they can be updated.

Preventing the sharing of customer information

We will not share our customer information and provide our users with visibility into circumstances IF we were to share outside of Let’s Rate and be clear and upfront about the extent that information is shared.

Build and maintain our services

We endeavour to make sure the site is 100% available online to provide you with safe and trustworthy place to give your feedback and interact with our services.

We will have in place a complaint and escalation processes to help resolve problems in a fair and consistent manner.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make a rating?

1.       Click on the Make a Rating icon.

2.       Enter the name of what you are looking to rate into the field box. Please note that it should be a minimum of three characters long.

3.       Then either enter the Postcode in full, in this case we are using SW1A1AA. The following results will then show up as shown below;


If the business you are looking for is not listed, then it means that it has not been searched for beforehand and is not in the database at this time.

Adding a business

If the business you are looking for is not listed then you can add it manually. Click on the Add a new business button as shown below:

You can then populate the address and make your rating. Once the address has been confirmed your rating will be visible on the site.

4.       Another way of searching for a business is to enter the name you are looking for in the field box and then moving the Use location slider to the right as shown below;


This way you will not need the post code and it will find all entries that are in close proximity to your location. Once again, if the business you are looking for is not listed then it means that it has not been searched for beforehand and is not in the database at this time.

How do I check a rating?

1.       Click on the Check a Rating icon.

2.       The procedure is literally the same as above. Using the same Post code as above, you will see the following results;

If the business you are looking for is not listed, then it means that it has not been searched for beforehand and is not in the database at this time.

3.   Another way of searching for a business is to enter the name you are looking for in the field box and then moving the Use location slider to the right as shown below;


This way you will not need the post code and it will find all entries that are in close proximity to your location. Once again, if the business you are looking for is not listed then it means that it has not been searched for beforehand and is not in the database at this time.


Common questions asked are;

“I keep getting the same results?”

§  If this happens, then it means that you will need to clear the cache on your device’s browser. You can do this by going into the browser settings and then deleting the cache. It also helps to exit and re-enter the site.

“I am not picking up anything?”

§  Firstly, make sure you have internet activity and that you enable your GPS function (If applicable). The site works in online mode only.

§  When you are going to use the location function you may be prompted that Lets-Rate wants to know your location details.  Please select the “Allow” option so you can use the inbuilt GPS function.

§  Another thing that may cause this to happen is if you are in a car, bus or train that is on the move. Wait until you have stopped and then use the clear button or refresh the screen (By running your finger from the top of the screen downwards).

§  If you are still experiencing any issues or have any suggestions or improvements please email us on: hello@lets-rate.co.uk and we will be happy to help!


How can I help the community in which I live?

We would appreciate if you could help us to populate the database so that it enriches other raters experience. The way to do that is to use the Make a Rating page when out and about in your local community and then look for businesses/services that you use and then either enter the postcode or select the Use location button to bring up what is around you.

A tip that we recommend is to type various letters of the vowels (Aeiou) into the field box and then enable the Use location field. This will then allow the system to download the listed businesses in the selected area.

Lets-Rate – Our community matters

The more businesses/services that are on our site the better it is for you and the community we live in. We would appreciate all the help raters can give to the site as our aim is to serve your community and make it a better place to live.

Together us raters can bring honest feedback to your community.



Make a Rating

Find the Business you want to rate

We have found

Not found what you are looking for?

Add a new business

Check Rating

Find the Business you want to rate

We have found

Not found what you are looking for?

Add a new business

My Ratings


Accept our Terms & Conditions

Make a Rating




Lets Rate will not condone or publish offensive material, those who contravene this policy will be excluded - see our terms

You have to to make a rating
5 star
4 star
3 star
2 star
1 star


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Check a Rating



5 star
4 star
3 star
2 star
1 star


Be the first to leave a review

Emergency Services

You have to to leave Emergency Services Review.

Terms & Conditions

Welcome to the Lets brand websites and mobile resources located specifically at www.lets-rate.co.uk  


This agreement also contains information regarding your legal rights and disclaimers. If you do not accept the entire terms and conditions then please be aware that you are not authorised to use the services. If you have a Lets-Rate account and wish to terminate your usage then you can so do at any time by closing your account and no longer using the services.

The following terminology will be used throughout the terms and conditions;

Account Holder 

A person who uses our Services and has an account that allows them to make a contribution and leave feedback etc


By agreeing to use the service, you are accepting the terms and condition and notices set out below. By accessing or using the website and any services linked to it, you agree to be bound by this Agreement and accept that you have read and understood its terms


All related software applications


Any data that you have input into the Services, for example information, text, links, graphics, photos, audio, videos, code or other materials or arrangements of materials that you can view on, access or otherwise interact with through the Services


This included data, APIs, email and message exchange as well as advertisements shall be known as such

We, Us, Our and Lets-Rate 

For your information, the website www.lets-rate.co.uk is owned and controlled by the Lets brand


The Lets brand websites and mobile properties, in this case www.lets-rate.co.uk


This relates to the individual, company, business organisation or other legal entity using the Services and/or contributing Content to them. 

Your Content 

Here is what you contribute, submit, transmit and/or post to or through the Services 

Aim of the Services

The Services are provided solely to:


Provide an unbiased platform for the community to rate/review local businesses and services in general to give a true reflection of their experience


Allow users to search and view ratings and reviewed information for the benefit of making their community a better place


Assist the community and potentially any businesses in engaging with customers by making use of the honest feedback about their relevant businesses and their right to use the reconciled feature 

Please note that at any time we can change and adapt this Agreement going forwards in accordance of the Terms and Conditions and by continuing to use this Service you agree to those changes.

We will update registered users about any updates we make and revisions to the Agreement via updates on the Website or via the App. 

Use of the Services

On the condition of your use of the Services, you guarantee the following; 


All information supplied by via the Services to Lets-Rate is honest, accurate, updated and complete


As an Account Holder, you will safeguard your account information and will personally supervise your account
- You will be held completely responsible for any use of your    account by other persons

Your login details/password must not be disclosed to anyone whatsoever


You must be at least 16 years of age or older in order to register for an account and use the Services in order to contribute to our Websites
- You possess the legal authority to enter into this Agreement and to use the Services, including our websites in accordance with all terms and conditions as stated 

We do not knowingly collect the information of anyone under the age of 16. We reserve and retain the right as per our sole discretion to deny/revoke access to anyone to use the Services at any time and for any reason, including but not limited to for breaching of this Agreement. 

By using the Services, including any products or services that facilitate the sharing of Content to or from third party sites, you understand that you are solely responsible for any information that you share within the Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.uk. You may access the Services solely as intended through the provided functionality of the Services and as permitted under this Agreement.

Note - Copying, reproduction, replication, transmission, posting or redistribution of;


Content or any aspect mentioned and/or 


The Services are strictly prohibited with no caveats without the authorisation of the Lets brand. Please email us on: info@lets-rate.co.uk for more information

External software/links

In the use of the Services we provide you will notice advertisement links to and be able to interact with third party websites and apps. Kindly be aware that third party sites and apps may charge a fee for use of their services provided on or by way of their own websites. Hence you need to be vigilant and should make whatever investigation you feel is necessary or appropriate before proceeding with any transaction with any third party to determine whether a charge will be incurred. 

If the Lets brand provide details of fees or charges for such third party content or services, such information is provided for convenience and information purposes only. 

To reiterate, any interactions with third party sites and apps are at your own risk. You expressly acknowledge and agree that the Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.uk are in no way responsible or liable for any such third party sites or apps.

Some of the Content you will see and potentially access on or through the Services is used for commercial purposes. You agree and understand that we may place advertising and promotions on the Services.

The Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.uk may decide to change, update or discontinue certain features of the Services. You agree and understand that the Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.uk have no obligation to store or maintain your Content or other information you provide, except to the extent required by applicable law.


The Content and information available on and through the Services Including but not just limited to;




























or other material

This includes the infrastructure used to provide such Content and information which is proprietary to the Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.uk or licensed to the Lets brand by third parties. 

For all Content other than your Content, you agree not to otherwise modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer or sell or re-sell any information, software, products or services obtained from or through the Services. 

Additionally, you agree not to:


Use the Services or Content for any commercial purpose, outside the scope of those commercial purposes explicitly permitted under this Agreement and related guidelines as made available by the Lets-Rate and the Lets brand


Access, monitor, reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, license, copy or otherwise exploit any Content of the Services, including but not limited to, user profiles and photos, using any robot, spider, scraper or other automated means or any manual process for any purpose not in accordance with this Agreement or without our express written permission


Violate the restrictions in any robot exclusion headers on the Services or bypass or circumvent other measures employed to prevent or limit access to the Services


Take any action that imposes, or may impose, in our discretion, an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure;


Deep-link to any portion of the Services for any purpose without our express written permission


"Frame", "mirror" or otherwise incorporate any part of the Services into any other websites or service without our prior written authorisation


Attempt to modify, translate, adapt, edit, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any software programs used by the Lets-Rate in connection with the Services


Circumvent, disable or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the Services or features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any Content


Download any Content unless it’s expressly made available for download by the Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.uk and confirmed in writing


It is estimated that there are about 9.8 million people in the UK with some form of disability – one in seven of the population. Let's Rate is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. 

We include the following features designed to improve accessibility for users with disabilities:This website endeavours to conform to level Double-A of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0.This site has been built using code compliant with W3C standards for XHTML and CSS.

The site displays correctly in current browsers and using standards compliant XHTML/CSS code means any future browsers will also display it correctly.Tab indexes are set such that the content links are presented first in the sequence they appear on the page.

Links in the content show up as default link colours. They have no behaviours attached to them.Navigation items have background changes to highlight links and current page.Links are written to make sense out of context.

Links to external web sites open up a new browser window where this is supported by the browser otherwise the same browser window is used.This web site can be navigated without the use of a mouse.
All content images used in this site include descriptive ALT attributes.Content has been separated from visual design and cascading style sheets (CSS) are used for visual layout.

Only relative font sizes, compatible with the user specified “text size” option in visual browsers are used.If your browser or browsing device does not support style sheets at all, the content of each page is still readable.


Any personal information you post on or otherwise submit in connection with the Services will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Ratings / Reviews / Comments and use of other interactive areas

We welcome feedback from users to allow us to make improvements to the website. Such feedback and recommendations will be used and we are not obligated to keep them confidential and or state that they were from a user or users.

Please note and be aware that by providing your Content to or through the Services in any way means you grant the Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.uk a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, transferable, irrevocable and fully sub licensable right to; 


Host, use, reproduce, modify, run, adapt, translate, distribute, publish, create derivative works from and publicly display and perform such Content of yours throughout the world in any media, now known or subsequent new means of communication


Make your Content available to the rest of the world and to accept others do the same


To provide, promote, and improve the Services and to make your Content shared on the Services available to other companies, organisations or individuals for the syndication, broadcast, distribution, promotion or publication of such Content of yours on other media and services, subject to our Privacy Policy and this Agreement


Use the name and/or trademark that you submit in connection with such Content of yours

You acknowledge that Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.uk have the right to pursue within legal means any person or entity that;


Violates the Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.uk rights in the Content by a breach of this Agreement


You understand, accept and agree that the Content is non-confidential and non-proprietary. 


You do give your Consent and permissions to not publish and otherwise use any Content as authorised under this Agreement.

In addition, you declare;


You do have no objection to the publication, use, modification, removal, amendment and exploitation of your content by the Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.uk and their associated companies


You accept and eternally waive not to claim or bring any entitlement to any and all moral rights as an author in any of your content


You forever release the Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.uk and their licensees, successors etc from any claims that you could otherwise bring against the Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.uk by virtue of any such moral rights

You agree that the Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.ukhave the right to monitor private communication between account holders for the purposes of safeguarding the community and the Services. If this information is ever needed by the authorities (Police, National Crime Agency and other bodies) and they have made a case for us to submit to it, we will provide the data to them.

You will also agree that the Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.ukdo not edit or control user messages posted or distributed through the services and will not be liable in any way for such messages and communication. The Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.ukdo not edit user’s content that appears on the websites and we reserve the right to remove without notice any message or content from the Services that we believe breaches the Agreement or otherwise we deem it necessary as it may cause offence or to safeguard the rights of the Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.uk.

By using the Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.ukyou expressly agree not to;

Post, upload, transmit, distribute, download or create through the services any content that may;


Is incorrect and or may be blatant lie, against the law, misleading, libellous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, indecent, lewd, suggestive, harassing (Or leans toward harassment of another person), threatening, invasive of a person’s privacy or publicity rights, abusive, inflammatory, fraudulent or otherwise objectionable


Simply put is offensive to the online community in any way and that can be seen as promoting racism, hatred and or promoting physical or psychological harm against a person, group or other collective


Any act that may cause or support illegal activities, criminal offence or violate the rights of any group in the UK and other countries


Support any illegal or terrorist related group and provide information about making weapons and other hardware for such causes


Infringe any trademark, copyright, patent, intellectual property of any party


Mass spamming, junk mail, chain letters or pyramid schemes


Falsely impersonate any person or entity and mislead others by trying to con people into making them believe you are the Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.uk


Deliberately and wilfully introduce viruses and Trojans etc onto the website in order to affect the Service provided and prevent others from using the website

The above action will be carried out on a remove as soon as noticed policy as and when we find any breach/copyright infringes/profanity etc.

Also, if we are notified of actual and substantiated complaints and or the automated system informing us of a breach, We unreservedly will remove illegal content within a reasonable time.


The Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.uk, our bespoke logo, the ratings/reviews/comments and all other products or service names or slogans displayed on the Services are registered and/or common law trademarks of the Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.uk and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without previous prior written permission.

Additionally the look and feel of the Services which includes our websites as well as all page headers, custom graphics, button icons and scripts related is the service mark, trademark and/or trading fascia of the Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.uk and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.uk.

All rights are reserved, as highlighted previously the Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.uk are not responsible as mentioned above.

You agree that no joint venture/agency/ partnership or employment relationship exists between you and the Lets brand and www.lets-rate.co.uk and its corporate affiliates as a result of this Agreement or use of the Services.

Any rights not expressly granted since this documents creation are reserved. Subject to the above you use the Services at your own risk and in no event shall the Lets Brand and www.lets-rate.co.ukbe liable for any losses of any kind.

Latest Ratings

Limes Cafe
Lovely food in a great setting. It was packed and a great atmosphere!
Andreas C at 07/02/2025 12:40:36
Back again with the family - this place is amazing!
Roshni P at 17/12/2024 18:11:27
B-B-Q Grill
Simply put - Amazing food, the quality is on another level! A family business that always delivers. Recommended
Roshni P at 18/09/2024 18:26:56
Lakeside Cafe
Excellent cafe, good service. Very busy!
Roshni P at 01/09/2024 12:22:00
Amazing Italian food. It was so fresh and tasty! Would highly recommend to everyone! Best Italian in Larnanca!
John T at 12/08/2024 19:38:40
The menu is superb, was recommended by friends to try this restaurant. The truth is that the food is Amazing, the service is impeccable and it was such a classy place to eat in Larnaca. Recommended!
Andreas C at 12/08/2024 19:03:10
Special Kebab House Cyprus Food
Amazing food! The Service was outstanding. All the staff were so friendly and welcoming. The hostess was very bubbly and made a fuss of the children, very much appreciated! Would definitely recommend!
John T at 05/08/2024 18:08:32
Amazing food and service. Wonderful experience eating outside with a view of the sea! A must visit if you are in Larnanca!
John T at 31/07/2024 18:09:32
Onsite Electrical Limited
Excellent customer service, they are always professional and helpful. I called them in a hurry and they arranged to go onsite and deal with an urgent issue in my rental property. They are fair with their prices and always get the job done. Thoroughly recommend.
Andreas C at 22/07/2024 12:56:28
Krispy Kreme
Awesome doughnuts. Had a free sample and it was soooo succulent! Thankfully we have a Krispy Kreme in Enfield!
Roshni P at 07/07/2024 18:09:59